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13 November 2024 - 14 November 2024
Žilina, Slovakia
CEE Automotive Supply Chain 2024
Register now
Open until 16 November 2024

Frequently Asked Questions Section

  • General
  • Payments
  • B2B Networking

 For detailed information see below


Where can I register for the event after my arrival to the hotel?

The registration desk will be situated in congress premises of Hotel Holiday Inn, Žilina. Thanks to clear navigation, it should be easy to find.

Does the event fee include accommodation?
No, it does not.
We kindly ask you to book the hotel on your own. Hotel Holiday Inn, Žilina provides enough capacity for event participants.
For booking of accommodation, visit: https://www.ceeautomotive.eu/p...

If you decide to cancel your accommodation, be aware that the hotel may charge you a fee according to its cancellation policy.

Can I change the name of the participant or cancel the participation on the event after paying the registration fee?
If you want to change the name of the event participant, you can do it before November 5th, 2024. The deadline to receive a refund for your registration is 20 business days before the event. Here, you can read more information about the event cancellation policy: Cancellation by the participant.

Where can I park after arriving at the event?
Hotel Holiday Inn, Žilina and its parking lot and nearby parking spaces around the hotel provides ample parking space for all participants.

Are meals included in the event fee?
The event fee includes lunch and an evening reception on the first day, lunch on the second day in congress premises. During the event, we will provide coffee, snacks and refreshments. Breakfast is not included in the price of the ticket.

What is the language of the event?
The lectures on the first day will be in English or Slovak language with simultaneous interpretation. There will be no translation during the b2b meetings on the second day.

Can I order vegetarian, gluten-free or other special diets?
Yes, you can. Please, let us know about special diet demand in form of a note during registraiton.

Payments & Invoices

Where can I make the payment? 

Once you are registered and validated you can download your proforma invoice with bank information at "Payment & Billing" Tab in your Dashboard and make the payment.

Where can I get tax document?

After we receive the payment, the Tax document for received payment / Payment
confirmation is issued and sent to your e-mail. You can also find it In the "Payment & Billing" Tab in your Dashboard - "Download Invoice". After the event an Invoice (Billing Invoice) will be send to your e-mail address.

VAT - I need my VAT number to be placed on the Ticket (tax document)
In the Form "Registration" you can find a VAT field allowing you to insert your VAT ID. In case you have already made the payment, please inform us (info@ceeautomotive.eu) and we will update your ticket showing the VAT ID you have inserted.

I need another address on the ticket
In case you need an address that differs from your inserted contact data please proceed as follows. The following changes have to be made before the payment has been done.

  1. Change your contact details as it should be shown on the invoice address (see Tab: Registration)
  2. Check your Ticket via the Tab: Payment | Click on "Download Invoice"
  3. In case the invoice is fine make your payment
  4. Afterwards please change back your contact details (this will not influence your PDF invoice download)

If you have made your payment already and still need some update on the ticket, please send an email to "info@ceeautomotive.eu" indicating the proper address. We will then reset your ticket.

B2B Networking

Why do I receive none or only a few meeting requests?

  • None?  Have you activated the B2B meeting checkboxes?
  • Only a few?  - The better your profile the more meeting requests you will receive. Often companies want to bypass the registration quickly and do not insert meaningful and qualitative organization descriptions and collaboration wishes (I am offering ..., I am looking for ...) A low-quality profile doesn't animate other companies to get in contact with you ...

 Why publish a high-quality collaboration profile?

  • Cooperation profiles give you the opportunity to publish and promote your collaboration wishes before and after the event.
  • Event participants but also any other web user can find and read your organization details and your published cooperation wishes.
  • A statistical analysis of 500 matchmaking events showed that high-quality profiles are visited about 50 to 150 times.
  • The better your profile the more meeting requests you will receive at the end.

How does matchmaking work?
At a matchmaking event people meet and greet at high speed. Bilateral meetings will take 15 minutes, which is usually enough to forge business/research/technological connections. Then the bell rings and the next meeting starts. Each participant registers with a cooperation profile which will be displayed at the event website. Each participant can online select meetings with other participants they would like to personally talk to. A few days before the event, each participant will receive a meeting schedule, showing WHO he will meet WHEN and WHERE.

What are the benefits of participating in the matchmaking event?
All participants can present their expertise/projects/technologies online already BEFORE the event. The cooperation profiles will be extensively promoted. Participants can get in contact with each other already before the event and know exactly who they will meet at the event. A matchmaking event therefore presents a very efficient and focused way of finding new collaboration partners.

How can I register for the event?
Click on the green button "Register" on the start page to start the registration process.  

What type of information do I need to fill in the registration form?

  • Form 1: Event sessions, Payment options (if available), Remarks for the event organizers
  • Form 2: Contact data (Person and Company) - Give some information about the organization you are working for, its focus and areas of activity.
  • Form 3: Collaboration profile (if you attend the matchmaking sessions) VERY IMPORTANT to receive many and high qualified meeting requests Properly fill in the cooperation profile and give details on e.g. technology/product/project, innovative aspects, current stage of development and the target partner sought. The cooperation profile is your virtual business card - the higher the quality, the more participants will select you for bilateral meetings!!!

Who is the Participant?
The Participant is the person who will participate in the matchmaking event and who is responsible for the inserted profiles. Participants should indicate their contact details (especially e-mail and mobile phone number) to be directly informed about registration, agendas, changes in the event set-up.

What is the meaning of "support office"?
"Support Office" are in most cases Enterprise Europe Network offices (Chamber of Commerces, Technology agencies, etc.) who support Companies in doing international business free of charge. If your region is not listed in the drop-down menue, please select "Other"

Password forgotten?
Click on the  Login button. There you will find a link "Forgot password?". Use this link to receive a email with further instructions. PS: The registration mails contains a so called "Autologin Link". Via this link you can directly sign-in to your personal Dashboard without entering your email address and password.

How to change the password? Please log in with your Autologin link (you will find it in the mail you received after your registration) and go to Change Password

Collaboration Profiles - Is it possible to insert more than one profile?

Yes, it is. Every participant has the possibility to insert several profiles. Please note that profiles are associated with participants. The same organisation can be registered several times with different participants (contact persons).

Is it possible to modify my profile?
Yes, it is. Log in via the Login button or the Autologin link you have received with your registration mail. In your personal Dashboard you can use the tabs to modify any of the content you have already inserted.

When will my profile be available online? Every profile will be quality checked by the event organizer. If it meets the quality criteria it will be put online, if not, you will be contacted by the event organizer to adapt your profile. 

How can I book meetings?
Booking is opened from the 9th of September, after most of the participants have registered. You will be informed by email about the start of the booking.

  1. Select the link "Participants" from the main menu.
  2. Use the green button "Book meetings" which you can find on each participant's profile

Can I refuse a meeting request?
Yes of course.

  1. In your Dashboard select the Tab "Meetings" to list all meeting requests (Own bookings and Guest bookings).
  2. Use the button "Reject" to refuse a meeting request.

In case this event is operated in Opt-Out booking mode (meeting requests are by default accepted, but can be rejected) - What is the reason behind? Experiences have shown that less than 10% of meeting requests are usually rejected. Therefore the booking mode "Opt-Out" keeps the burdon low for the majority (90%) of participants, by not asking them to confirm a request they are going to accept anyway. Results: less email traffic; less pending meeting requests waiting for approval.

When will I get my personal meeting schedule?

  1. 4-5 days before the event you get your (more or less) final meeting schedule by email

What if, due to unforeseen reasons, I cannot participate in the matchmaking event?
Please inform the event organizer immediately. If you have booked meetings/you have been booked for meetings, please get directly in contact with your meeting partners and tell them that you cannot keep the appointment.

Športová 2
010 10 Žilina, Slovakia
Organised by
Participants 173
Meetings 199
Slovakia 166
Czech Republic 55
Germany 11
United Kingdom 10
Hungary 5
Poland 4
Austria 2
Israel 1
Serbia 1
Italy 1
Switzerland 1
Total 257